I offer free UX Research mentoring / coaching on 1) UX Careers and 2) conducting UX Research in Startups. 

1. UX Career Mentoring

Mentorship has played and continues to play an important role in my UX Research career. I want to give back and offer UX Research mentorship and coaching to aspiring UX Researchers in their early career stages. Are you in your first jobs, at University or High-School and consider getting into UX Research? Then reach out below to set up some time. 

Typical mentoring and coaching topics are:

  • What is UX Research and is it right for me?
  • How do I land my first job in UX Research? 
  • What UX Research skills should I  develop and how? 
  • What types of UX Research career paths are there and how do I chose mine? 
  • How does the application process look like? 
  • How do I prepare my application and for the interviews? 
  • General feedback on CV, personal statements and research portfolios. 

Please add me on LinkedIn so I can get to know you a bit better before our call. 

>> Schedule the free 30 minute call on UX Career questions

2) UX Research in Startups 

For startups, I offer free UX Research mentoring sessions on topics like the following: 

  • Achieving product-market fit
  • Finding the right user problems and opportunities to work on
  • Defining success metrics and targets
  • Using data to pivoting & fail quickly
  • Setting up a beta tester program
  • Creating a data-driven & UXR culture in a startup
  • Design Sprints
  • How to recruit testers and research participants for a startup
  • UX Research templates and study guides for usability studies, diary studies and surveys

Please add me on LinkedIn so I can get to know you a bit better before our call. 
Due to potential conflicts of interest, we will need speak in general terms about your startup’s challenges and can’t cover confidential information. 

>> Schedule the free 30 minute video call for startups